I get my ID card!

There are many things that I want to share, there are good news and bad news :(

The good news are:
- I just got my ID card.. I'm 17 since last January.. xD hehe.
- I'm enjoying myself in Surabaya, especially I'm enjoying the course that I take.
- I got a new MACBOOK laptop. (I forgot the type) but still I haven't take the laptop yet.

The bad news are:
- My plan to go to Jakarta has been delayed due to president election :((
I hope this time, my plan to go to Jakarta will come true
- Sadly, the course will be end soon.

I'm searching for any course that really useful for me. I'm thinking to do something that also useful to fill my holiday.

Sorry for my laziness to not uploading any photo guys.. I rarely take a picture..
Stay in Surabaya, my life is different, it is better to stay here than Malaysia. I feel more comfortable here. I am telling the truth.. Everything are available here.. hehehe..
I hope I don't need to come back to Malaysia. But, that's just a dream..
I started to grumble again :((
