End & Beginning

I just went back from going out with family. The first time since I went back in hometown to spend time with family on a Saturday night. Most of the time I spend time with friends on a Saturday night. I didn't go out often these day, except my daily activities, going to take the course and sew. Most of my friends are going back to their normal activities, no more holiday. It means, there will be lesser meetings for me, everyone is busy,  including me.

About my post title. This is the end of the holiday. And next week is the beginning of a new semester which is internship (last semester). I'll be doing it in my hometown, yay for it! Yes, I don't have to fly back to KL! I'll be staying here for another 2 months or more. Well, it's gonna be continuous activities, after I finished my pattern making course, I'll be getting an internship right after it. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. This is my first time, and I can't wait for it!
Though I've almost finished my pattern making course projects, I feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I've achieved something during the holiday. Doing something that makes me elated and something that I love and passionate about. Sad because it's ended, but I'll continue to work harder. 

I'm wearing my lace top, I was wearing it with a stripes dress in my previous post and now I'm wearing it with a high waist jeans and a pink tank top. I'm having a bad hair day, affected my fringe so badly.


Hobbies are healthy, they teach you things. Like if you start something, you finish it - you don’t stop until you get it right. If you don’t get it right, you start over again… and you keep on going as long as you have to.”- Lovely Bones movie
