8+Teen Birthday


Last Thursday, 28th January was my 18th birthday with my twin brother. He is my other half, but we are a fraternal twins. As you can see, we don't really look the same. But in some parts we do look a like.
I'm wearing a white satin blouse from colours, grey leopard print skirt with studs from ZARA, a black heels (I forgot the brand) and a grey stockings.

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I was celebrating my birthday with my twin brother and one of my older sister. Yes, only the 3 of us, my parents are in my hometown. So, I had a fine dining dinner in an restaurant located quite near to my house. We had appetizer, main course, and cocktails. I don't get a big cake, I just had 4 smalls cake that enough for the two of us. And for presents, my sister gave me a black hat form forever21 that I'm wearing in the picture and for my brother too, with different brand. And also I got a very cute rabbit doll! <3 Other than that, I'm waiting for more presents! hehehe, just kidding. My family will be coming here very soon during the chinese new year. I'll get to see my niece soon! :)

Other than that, in the afternoon, before the last class started, me and some of my friend were taking pictures togeteher. We took a lot of pictures and that was fun! :)

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 I was thinking of my blog's name.. It won't be appropiate again as i'm getting older x) I will not be a girl forever. hehee.. I should think of another appropiate name... maybe I'll change my blog name or maybe should I stick on it?
